Bitcoin Magazine published an article on the X platform, saying that Finnish trade newspaper Kauppalehti forecasts that Bitcoin will plunge by 40% in 2025. "Trump's honeymoon with bitcoin investors will come to an end in the fall as the huge expectations of the cryptocurrency industry fail to materialise. This, along with the decline in US equity returns, will break bitcoin's bullish cycle, with a pullback taking its peak price down 40 per cent by the end of the year. Many investors are fleeing ...
Bitcoin Magazine在X平台发文称,芬兰贸易报纸 Kauppalehti 预测比特币将在 2025 年暴跌 40%。 “特朗普与比特币投资者的蜜月期将在秋季结束,因为加密货币行业的巨大期望未能实现。这与美国股票回报率的下降一起,将打破比特币的看涨周期,到今年年底,回调将使其峰值价格下跌 40%。许多投资者正在从美国 ETF 中逃离比特币。”